What are the Various Types of English Techniques?

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The magnificence of a language lies in its elements. To imaginatively portray a sonnet, a story, a play, or some other type of content, journalists and writers broadly use language methods. Additionally, you can produce any kind of content that falls into either the formal or informal categories by employing language strategies. There are numerous literary features and language techniques in English. If you are familiar with the list of English Techniques, you will be able to effectively apply them to your own writing and comprehend the work of other authors who have employed those strategies.

Do you have any idea about English language techniques? If not, learn now! In this blog post, we have explained some popular English techniques with examples. Also, we have presented how to use English techniques in your writing.

What are English Techniques?

English techniques are tools that give a text some artistic value. It is mostly used by writers to emphasize something important in a text or to say what something means, either implicitly or explicitly.

English Techniques

Most of the time, people use English techniques to – give life to a story; effectively translate thoughts into words; make the content recognizable and easy to understand for readers; add a poetic flavor to the content, and help readers visualize the content.

Different Types of English Techniques

Find here, the list of essential English Techniques that you can use in your writing.

Types of English Techniques

1- Allegory

Definition of Allegory: An allegory is a kind of text that has different importance than the exacting one. Frequently, purposeful anecdotes are utilized to communicate political circumstances or ethics.

For example, Young Goodman Brown composed by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an example of allegory as it utilizes the Devil’s staff to challenge God and eat the taboo natural product.

2- Allusion

Definition of Allusion: It is a circuitous reference. Regularly, the creators imply things like legislative issues, culture, history, and different works of writing.

For example: When the fountain of liquid magma ejected, the woods were gobbled up in debris and residue like Jonah.” In the Bible, Jonah was gulped by a whale.

3- Assonance

Definition: Assonance is the reiteration of the vowel sounds inside a sentence. Alongside consonance, it is a typical technique utilized significantly in verse.

For example, Rhea thought she lost her dad’s ring, Joseph.

4- Characterization

Definition of characterization: Characterisation is how a writer depicts a character in the entire content. This should be possible legitimately, in which the writer essentially says that a specific character has a particular attribute, or in a roundabout way, where the writer passes on what a character does, and you make your inferences.

For example, Rebecca is a mild-mannered young lady. She has issues conversing with young men, and never goes on and on up in class. The writer has portrayed her as being modest.

5- Foil

Definition of foil: A foil is a character who carries on the contrary route in contrast with different characters in a book. Such a character, as a rule, foils the hero. However, it is important to comprehend this doesn’t suggest that the foil is the adversary. The individual can frequently be the hero’s dear companion or relative. This character exists to cause them to notice the qualities of the character that they are foiling.

For example, Fredrick is wild and direct. His closest companion, Edward, is basic and exhausting. You’ll see Fredrick’s careless conduct much more because the difference between him and Edward is so colossal.

6- Genre

Definition of the genre: The genre of a story is the essential classification that it falls into. Normal genres incorporate science fiction, dream, sentiment, historical fiction, and non-­‐fiction. Narrating components and gadgets like disposition, style, tone, and subject all contribute to the genre.

For example, many of Edgar Allan Poe’s works are frightful stories. This is because they convey anticipation and have a dim setup. Additionally, they manage things like frenzy and passing.

7- Motif

Definition: A motif is a recurring picture or thought that has more profound importance. Among the other English techniques, this one is marginally more grounded than a symbol as it happens more than once, but not exactly as large as a topic, even though it may contribute to the subject.

For example, Jack goes on an excursion near the backwoods, and he keeps on considering owls to be his travels. Each time he sees one, he reminds his mom who revealed to him that owls are an indication of intelligence and favorable luck.

8- Onomatopoeia

Definition: Onomatopoeia is alluded to as words that sound like the clamors they express.

For example Words like sprinkle, prattle, blast, buzz, crash, sizzle, chatter, sputter, murmur, mutter, and zap.

9- Stream of consciousness

 Definition of a stream of consciousness: Authors utilize a stream-of-consciousness style of writing to mirror how we think inside our heads. This technique frequently disregards ordinary punctuation and linguistic structure.

For example: Okay, while I’m at the store I have to get milk, birthday candles, and… ugh, what else? Gracious no doubt, blossoms! I trust Lynette likes roses. Did I make our supper reservation yet? I should call to affirm. OK, here are the candles!

10- Parody

Definition: A parody is a book that duplicates the style of another content but hilariously changes certain subtleties to cause others to notice how crazy they are. The difference between parody and satire is that satire is more basic while parody is generally done only for chuckles. 

For example, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a book that fuses zombies into Jane Austen’s reality.

11- Satire

Definition: Satire is the comedic criticism of somebody’s imperfections or weaknesses to cause them to notice a specific issue. The difference between satire and parody is that commonly, spoofs are carefully intended to be interesting while satire frequently endeavors to enhance the humor with a source of inspiration to make social change.

For Example, Saturday Night Live is loaded with dramas that caricature political figures. The cast of the show takes on the appearance of individuals, for example, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and afterward, ridicule their discourse examples and peculiarities in a delicately basic manner.

12- Pathetic fallacy

Definition of pathetic: Pathetic fallacy is the attribution of human characteristics to non-­‐humans, particularly the climate or different components inside nature. It is a kind of personification.

For example, The dull, substantial mists looked pregnant with the downpour.

13- Simile

Definition of simile: A simile is a correlation between two not-at-all-like things that utilize words, for example, “as,” “as,” or “then.”

For example, She was as welcome as a fart in a lift.

14- Metaphor

Definition of Metaphor: A metaphor is a correlation between two different things. You are urged to see the likeness between these items since a single word or expression is replaced by another word or expression.

For example, The kid was a monkey, climbing everywhere throughout the table and seats and shouting at the head of his lungs.

15- Verse

Definition of the verse: Verse is a type of writing wherein the structure of the content is similarly as significant as the content itself. The individuals who write verse will focus on things like rhyme plan and meter, while the individuals who write in composition won’t.

For example, I imagine that it could be more awful, but these lines are a decent sign, of what verse ought to resemble you!

16- Truncated sentence

 Definition of a truncated sentence: Truncated sentences are a sort of alternate way that writers use when the remainder of a sentence’s importance can be inferred.

For example: If you state, “I like canines more than Jane,” you’re in all probability implying that you revere canines more than Jane likes felines. Not that you don’t care for Jane.

17- Zeugma

Definition of Zeugma: Zeugma is the point at which the creator utilizes a word that has various implications for different expressions in a similar sentence.

For example, Jennet lost her handbag and her psyche. “Lost her tote” actually implies that she misplaced it, however, “lost her brain” signifies she went insane and is a hyperbole.

18- Tone

Definition of tone: Tone is a way that the writer or a character shows supposition towards something. Tone can be both negative or positive, but it can likewise be different things, for example, sarcastic, light-­‐hearted, nostalgic, or respectful.

For example, The tone in a news story ought to be characteristic and unbiased because a columnist doesn’t plan to influence the readers’ assessments.

19- Symbol

Definition of a symbol: A symbol is an item in a book that has more profound importance than what it is. The English techniques of utilizing symbols can be found in some classic symbols like certain blossoms, hues, nourishments, and the climate, but writers regularly make symbols that are particular to singular stories.

For example, Water is frequently linked to things like immaculateness, purging, and resurrection.

20- Sarcasm

Definition of sarcasm: Sarcasm is the utilization of words that mean something contrary to how somebody feels, for the most part, either to show scorn or to accomplish a comedic impact.

For example, I simply love stalling out in the group. It is the best inclination ever!

21- Metonymy

Definition of metonymy: Metonymy is the demonstration of alluding to an article or something by a firmly related item instead of by its name.

For example: Saying “We will swear unwavering ness to the crown” doesn’t imply that individuals will be administered by a crown and think about an article as their pioneer. It implies the individuals are tending to an imperial individual.

22- Juxtaposition

Definition of Juxtaposition: Juxtaposition is when two different items or ideas are placed close to one another. This is generally done to feature the differences between them, much like how a foil works. Juxtaposition can show up as a component of the story or part of the writing itself.

For example, An individual hosting a rich get-together shows tons and huge amounts of inefficiency, and over the road, there is a poor family who is attempting to endure.

23- Foreshadowing

Definition of foreshadowing: Foreshadowing is the point at which the creator drops insights about something that will be more significant later in the story.

For example, Fred refers to the spur of the moment that he’s adversely affected by peanuts in part two. In part nineteen, he is inadvertently served something with peanuts in it and nearly bites the dust.

24- Imagery 

Definition of imagery: Imagery is when creators use language to bring out at least one of the five faculties in a solid, descriptive way.

For example, He was so occupied by the warm, sweet smell of preparing treats that he stumbled and tumbled down the harsh stone flight of stairs.

25- Pun

Definition of a pun: A pun is a diverting figure of speech that makes various layers of importance in a sentence.

For example: Did you catch wind of the clairvoyant midget who got away from jail? They state that there’s a little medium on the loose.

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Know How to Use English Techniques in Your Writing

Presently, when you have read pretty much all the English techniques, it’s time to know how to utilize them.

How to Utilize English Techniques

Write Naturally

At whatever point you write, you’re utilizing English techniques–regardless of whether you don’t know about this reality! This is because some English techniques are normally a part of ordinary discourse. This is the reason they come into our writing also. Along these lines, what you have to do is to don’t fill them coercively in your content. They will come into it normally.

Readout Cautiously

You should have some most loved writers. Experience their work in a somewhat genuine way. Indeed, I am not saying that you are not a decent reader. Simply request that you center around identifying the English techniques while reading. Each writer utilizes the above-recorded English techniques.

You simply need to give close consideration to them. You should monitor the English techniques while you read them. As you get the hang of identifying abstract gadgets, attempt to perceive how they are utilized. Look at how the writer utilizes numerous English techniques to contribute to the general impact of the story or sonnet in the composed content.

Try to Learn English Techniques

The English techniques in Australia have their benefits. Trust me; nobody is impeccable in all the techniques. The best way to adapt impeccably is to continue rehearsing. Be patient, and keep on rehearsing. You will ad-lib consistently. Attempt to become familiar with another English technique in an unequivocal span, say in seven days. Alongside this consolidate it into your day-by-day writing.


By now, you would have gained a basic idea of what English techniques are and how to use them in your writing. In case, you have any doubt regarding this concept or if you need an expert to help you with writing your academic paper or assignments related to English language techniques, call us immediately.

1. What are 10 language techniques?

10 language techniques are Allegory, Allusion, Assonance, Characterization, Foil, genre, Motif, onomatopoeia, Stream of consciousness, and Parody. In the English language, there are a huge number of techniques and these are some commonly used ones. Apart from these, one can find a variety of techniques in different types of writing.

2. What are English writing techniques?

Some English writing techniques are Allegory, Allusion, Assonance, Characterization, Foil, genre, Motif, onomatopoeia, Stream of consciousness, Parody, Satire, Pathetic fallacy, Simile, Metaphor, Verse, Truncated sentence, Zeugma, Tone, Symbol, Sarcasm, Metonymy, Juxtaposition, Foreshadowing, Imagery, and Pun. These techniques are purposely used by the writers to emphasize a sentence or word to the readers.

3. What are techniques examples?

Young Goodman Brown, Pride and Prejudice, The rape of the Lock, and the Bible are some of the literary examples of language techniques. Apart from these, we unknowingly use some language techniques in our daily lives. At the time of comparing a girl with a flower, we often use metaphors. To describe the sound like murmur or drip, we use onomatopoeia.

4. What are language technique examples?

Every single day while using a language, we all are prone to use language techniques. The cold, crisp, crust of clean, clear ice is an example of alliteration. Out of this world is a Colloquial language example. Splash and bang are examples of Onomatopoeia. Bittersweet is an example of an Oxymoron. In addition to this, we use rhyme, pathos, and many others in our lives daily.

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