220 Outstanding Expository Essay Topics to Focus On

Home » 220 Outstanding Expository Essay Topics to Focus On

Writing an expository essay is different when compared to other types of essays. Most importantly, it requires good writing skills and knowledge of various expository essay topics. Right now, do you need to submit an expository essay for your assignment? Are you searching for the best expository essay topics to score top grades? Don’t worry! We are here to help you. Continue reading this blog post and get interesting expository essay topic ideas to focus on. Also, learn how to choose a good expository essay topic from a wide list of ideas.

What is an Expository Essay?

An expository essay is a short piece of writing that aims to give a concise, understandable explanation of a certain subject, concept, or method. Expository essays are a typical assessment tool used by teachers to evaluate their students’ writing abilities and subject knowledge.

An expository essay’s main goal is to provide a logical and understandable explanation of a certain subject. Writing this essay specifically calls for taking a fair position and providing a thorough explanation of the topic along with reliable examples, data, and facts. Expository essays include definition essays, cause and effect essays, classification essays, process analysis essays, and compare and contrast essays.

Tips for Choosing an Expository Essay Topic

The first step in the essay-writing process is to identify a good essay topic. As expository essay writing is a vast discipline with numerous essay topics and ideas, it is tough to pick one specific topic. So, to help you choose a good expository essay topic, here, we have listed a few important tips to keep in mind during the essay topic selection.

  • The topic should match your interest.
  • It should be informative to the readers.
  • The topic should provide the necessary space to explain the major points understandably before the deadline.
  • It should not be too broad or too narrow. Narrow down the topic, if it is too broad.
  • The topic should contain relevant evidence from credible sources to support the main idea.
  • The topic should make sense and it should help you to organize the points coherently.

Also, before finalizing the essay topic, in addition to the above-mentioned tips, make sure to check whether the topic you have selected stands in line with the instructor’s writing guidelines.

How to Write an Expository Essay

After you have selected an appropriate topic, you may go ahead and begin writing your expository essay. If you are clueless about how to write an expository essay, following these steps might help.

  1. Examine and Gather Information: Research the essay topic you have chosen by consulting credible sources and collect the necessary information, facts, and statistics for explanation.
  2. Compose a Thesis Statement: Clearly define the purpose of your expository essay in a specific and concise manner. Remember, the thesis statement you create should focus on explaining and not persuading.
  3. Draft an Outline: Organize all the gathered information and compose a well-structured expository essay outline with essential sections such as the introduction, body, and conclusion.
  4. Prepare the Introduction: Craft the introductory part of your essay by including a relevant hook sentence to grab readers’ attention, background details of the essay topic, and a strong thesis statement.
  5. Create Body Paragraphs: Present a detailed analysis of the topic and prove the thesis statement by providing supporting facts.
  6. Write a Conclusion: Restate the thesis, summarize the main points, and present a final thought that can create a long-lasting impression in the minds of the readers.
  7. Proofread and Edit: Review the entire essay content and refine its quality by correcting the grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting, and citation errors.

Expository Essay Topics

List of Expository Essay Topics and Ideas

When it comes to writing an expository essay, you need to invest a lot of effort and time to search and find the essay topic. Hence, to make your topic selection process easier, we have compiled a list of exclusive expository essay topics and ideas from different categories.

List of Expository Essay Topics

Explore the complete list of ideas mentioned below and pick an expository essay topic of your preference.

Expository Essay Topics on Ethical Issues

In an expository essay on ethical issues, you will have to objectively explore and discuss complex moral problems from multiple perspectives and present balanced information. Listed below are a few topics related to ethical issues you may examine in your expository essay.

  1. How can you stop racism?
  2. In our present society, is there any notion of ‘honor’?
  3. Should abortion be prohibited?
  4. How do you understand the code of ethics?
  5. Consequences of implementing gun control
  6. Express your understanding of morality.
  7. Death penalty: Would you get rid of it and why?
  8. What should a 17-year-old do, if his girlfriend says she’s pregnant?
  9. Would you accept your loved one killing himself or herself?
  10. When divorced, which parent will you be with, and why so?
  11. The dilemma of reporting an accident
  12. Should one’s political leanings be private?
  13. The limits of doctor-patient confidentiality
  14. Is it ethical to pay children for good grades?
  15. Discuss what we should do about climate change.
  16. What are the moral problems surrounding abortion?
  17. Would the eating of meat be justified?
  18. Investigate the use of plastic in the beauty industry.
  19. Is it unprincipled to be extremely rich?

Expository Essay Topics

Expository Essay Topics on Education

Typically, an expository essay on education will objectively analyze and explain various problems and reforms within the educational system from distinct perspectives. If you wish to help your readers understand the current education system, develop an expository essay on any of the education-based topics and ideas suggested here.

  1. Why teaching is considered a noble profession?
  2. Discuss the causes and effects of adult illiteracy.
  3. Which subjects could be taught at schools?
  4. How should the education sector be changed in your country?
  5. Does ‘educated’ mean the same as ‘smart’?
  6. Can a person get an outstanding education at home?
  7. Is it fair that athletes get scholarships?
  8. A private school versus public school
  9. Higher education and its impact on a future career.
  10. Which subjects should not be included in school education?
  11. Online schooling vs. traditional schooling
  12. Why is a higher degree important for getting good jobs?
  13. How literate people are different from illiterate people
  14. Benefits of learning foreign languages.
  15. Is homework important? Explain Why?
  16. Would Students Drop Out of School To Take A Job Before Graduation?
  17. Difference between studying Middle School Versus High School: Reflective Essay.
  18. What are the features of the Education System Model in Elysian?
  19. What is the influence of depression on a Teenager’s High School Education?
  20. Huntington’s Disease: Causes, Typical Symptoms and Signs, Treatment
  21. What are the steps that need to be taken to eradicate smallpox: Historical Analysis
  22. What do you mean by metabolism and techniques to increase the rate?
  23. Cystic Fibrosis: Cause, Rate of Incidence, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment
  24. Vitamins as the nutrients that are essential for health

Health Expository Essay Topics

In case, you would like to share informative facts about health with your audience, then write an expository essay on any health topics suggested in the list below. A health expository essay will aim to provide useful information by investigating and explaining medical themes, health issues, treatments, or wellness initiatives.

  1. Discuss some strategic tips on how to deal with ADSD.
  2. Is there any possibility that the World Health Organization (WHO) can cure ‘incurable’ diseases?
  3. What are the consequences of eating healthy food?
  4. Discuss some recommendations on how one can stay fit.
  5. What is the interrelation between IQ level and health?
  6. Is it true that music affects our mental state and health?
  7. Why are snacks and fast food harmful?
  8. Are heroism and patriotism ‘normal’ things in terms of mental health?
  9. How should a college student live healthily?
  10. Correlation between poverty and AIDS. Why does this disease haunt poor countries?
  11. What is the difference between physical and emotional pain?
  12. Argumentative Essay Regarding Smoking

Read more: Good Health Essay Topics and Ideas To Focus On

Expository Essay Ideas on History

Expository essays on history will usually focus on a historical event, period, or person and investigate its causes, effects, and significance using supporting data. If you have a passion for history, consider writing your expository essay about one of the following historical topics.

  1. Describe the effects of Queen Victoria’s reign.
  2. Discuss how the first newspaper was introduced.
  3. Discuss the effects of the French Revolution.
  4. Describe the role of astronomy in Ancient Greece.
  5. Characterize impacts of gunpowder invention
  6. Causes and Effects of Nationwide Prohibition of the 1920s
  7. The Crusaders: Villains or Heroes?
  8. Describe how silk and tea exports shaped modern China’s economy.
  9. The Templars: Guards of Faith or Mercenaries?
  10. Samurai’s honor and the industrial development of Japan.

Literature Expository Essay Ideas

The primary objective of a literature expository essay is to analyze and interpret literary works, themes, characters, and authors’ intentions and techniques. To develop an expository essay on literature, you may take into account any of the below-listed topics that are relevant to the subject.

  1. Discuss the consequences of being the chosen one concerning Harry Potter.
  2. How you can characterize a female character in the famous play “A Doll’s House”
  3. Was Dorian Gray a victim or a villain?
  4. John Snow: A noble bastard
  5. Define the main symbols used in “Leaves of Grass.”
  6. Consequences of H. Wells’ “Time Machine”.
  7. Describe the means of comedy in “The Golden Compass”.
  8. Analyze the role of secondary characters in a play
  9. Analyze the poetic style of William Wordsworth in his famous poem “The Daffodils”.
  10. Beowulf: The impact of the epic on the image of a hero in art

Expository Essay Topics on Music

Are you confused about what topic to select for preparing your music expository essay? If yes, then from the list uploaded here, pick any specific topic that resonates with you. Generally, in an expository essay on music, you may explain musical genres, styles, historical settings, artists’ inspirations, or cultural relevance.

  1. Explain your favorite music genre.
  2. Steps to launch a music album.
  3. Would you like to be a musician?
  4. The impact of music on your life.
  5. Which music genre is better: jazz or pop?
  6. What’s your favorite music album, and why?
  7. Why do youngsters like rock music more than any other music genre?
  8. How to become a musician?
  9. Why do people listen to sad songs during the Depression?
  10. What effect does music have on people’s minds?

Expository Essay Topics on Personal Experience

When it comes to writing an expository essay, you may also discuss a noteworthy event you have witnessed or describe its influence, lessons learned, and personal development. The following are some interesting subjects about personal experiences that you could explain in your expository essay.

  1. What type of dishes do you like to cook and why?
  2. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  3. What’s your favorite movie or book?
  4. When did you meet your first love?
  5. What is your favorite school subject?
  6. How did upbringing affect your personality?
  7. Who was your first teacher?
  8. Depict your first success at a sport.
  9. Describe an unforgettable event in your life.
  10. What is your most possessed dream about the future?

Religion and Philosophy Expository Essay Topics

In an expository essay, you may explain any of the topics about religion or philosophy suggested below. The goal of an expository essay on religion or philosophy will be to examine beliefs, doctrines, ethics, philosophical concepts, or parallels.

  1. Christianity and Medieval Europe
  2. Is it possible to construct Aristotle’s Republic?
  3. What is your life philosophy?
  4. The image of Jesus in Islamic religious tradition
  5. The Reformation of the Catholic Church.
  6. Why is there no single religion?
  7. Consequences of Nietzsche’s claims about God.
  8. Pick a religion and elaborate on its core beliefs.
  9. Discuss what you understand by the seven deadly sins.
  10. Discuss the role of existentialism in casting modern philosophy.

Culture Expository Essay Ideas

You may explain about culture in your expository essay. But in specific, your culture expository essay should focus on describing traditions, customs, values, diversity, or influences of various societal groups. Here are some culture-based topics you may select for expository essay writing.

  1. Discuss the effective ways to promote culture.
  2. Write about the life behind the scenes of a community theater.
  3. Explain what qualities make art, literature, or music timeless.
  4. Compare how today’s culture differs from the culture when your parents were growing up.
  5. Write a review of your favorite movie or web series.
  6. Can music positively influence society? Pick a song and elaborate.
  7. Describe something that symbolizes your culture.
  8. Write a brief biography of the artist from any period.
  9. Explain how seeing art affects you.
  10. Describe the plot of a movie you think the person reading your essay has not explored.
  11. Analyze the cultural impact of the Spanish-American War
  12. Critical analysis of the impact of World War I and II on the socio-economic culture of the United States
  13. World War II and Popular Culture: Explain
  14. Describe the cultural diversity in Australia’s forces during World War I
  15. War impacts cultural practices: Discuss with examples

Expository Essay Topics on Science and Technology

Have your instructor asked you to prepare an expository essay on science or technology? If yes, then for your assignment, you may select an essay topic from the list published here. Specifically, you can explain scientific concepts, innovations, breakthroughs, and technological advancements and impacts in your expository essay.

  1. Why Elon Musk’s inventions are so detrimental?
  2. Will we ever land on Mars?
  3. iPhone: A significant leap in the field of mobile technology.
  4. Consequences of Internet invention.
  5. How did radio shape the modern world?
  6. Stephen Hawking’s impact on astrophysics
  7. Time travel: Why is it impossible?
  8. Arabic versus Latin numerals. Why did the Arabic ones win?
  9. Instagram: Causes and effects of being addicted to social networks
  10. The theory of general relativity: The impact on modern physics

Expository Essay Prompts on Social Issues

If you are curious about explaining social issues, then in your expository essay write about any of the topics that we have recommended in the list below. Generally, expository essays on social issues will analyze and explain problems, causes, consequences, and solutions to societal problems.

  1. Discuss the consequences of drug addiction.
  2. Why should there be a school uniform?
  3. What a young person can do if they fail to finish college?
  4. Teen pregnancy: is it the norm?
  5. Discuss how addiction to the internet badly affects children.
  6. If you were the president of your country, what would you change?
  7. Discuss the ‘glass ceiling’ issue. How can it be addressed?
  8. Is there such a thing as ‘tolerance’? Does it work as it should?
  9. To vote or not to vote? Describe possible effects
  10. What does alcohol addiction among teenagers lead to?
  11. Why do children lie?
  12. Difference between fat and heavyweight
  13. Gender inequality at work
  14. What is the connection between being hungry and being lonely?
  15. Are we money-hungry?
  16. What do you think about double standards?
  17. What is wrong with our species?
  18. Causes of global warming
  19. How to take care of yourself?
  20. Why do people kill themselves?
  21. What is the most common social issue in the Middle East?
  22. Examine why HIV/AIDS in old age people remains widely unrecognized
  23. Discuss the benefits of over-the-counter contraception
  24. Stigmatization and Disabilities: How does being disabled affect the social status of an individual?
  25. Malnourishment affects the psychological health of children in the long run: Discuss

Simple Expository Essay Questions

Would you wish to quickly write an expository essay? If so, then instead of dealing with complex topics, write a detailed expository essay on any of the simple topics and ideas that have been recommended here.

  1. Hobbies for teenagers to avoid
  2. How is electronic music made?
  3. Why do people forget things?
  4. What are the types of schizophrenia?
  5. The latest developments in the study to cure cancer.
  6. Factors that contribute to depression.
  7. Describe the next great invention.
  8. A recent study of black holes.
  9. Explain the consequences of World War II
  10. Are heroic people mentally healthy?
  11. Differences between the right and left halves of the brain.
  12. Discuss the stages of personality development.
  13. Difference between psychology and psychiatry?
  14. Describe the benefits of social media.
  15. Steps to saving the planet.
  16. Describe the change in communication in the Era of Technology
  17. How are humans searching for extraterrestrial life?
  18. How big is the universe?
  19. Is bibliophobia considered to be a mental disorder?
  20. Why do people need to continue space exploration?

Fascinating Expository Essay Topics

To compose an expository essay, choose any interesting topic from the list uploaded here. When you work on a subject you are passionate about or have strong knowledge of, it will be convenient for you to share extensive information effortlessly and also you may enjoy the whole essay preparation process.

  1. How to deal with financial problems?
  2. How to deal with bullying in school?
  3. Explain how growing up with a sibling influenced your personality.
  4. Explain how your favorite teacher helped you become a better person.
  5. What is an acceptable level of sadness?
  6. Consequences of having a job while in high school.
  7. How can you develop your imagination?
  8. Describe your first day at school.
  9. Can dogs smell fear?
  10. How can you measure happiness?
  11. Describe your favorite vacation place.
  12. Define the meaning of true friendship.
  13. Do aliens exist?
  14. Describe your favorite hobby.
  15. Describe living a life with a pet.
  16. Ethical Conundrum: Monica Lewinsky Scandal Involving President Bill Clinton
  17. Engineering, Experiencing Exploration, And Academic Experiences With Space As A Source Of Ethical Challenges
  18. Data privacy and security for social media: Ethical Challenges
  19. Systematic Theology: What Should Humanity Be Afraid Of God?
  20. How did Islam influence European literature, particularly Spanish literature?
  21. Critical Evaluation of the Gospel of John: The Crucifixion, Exorcism, and Salvation
  22. Evaluation of Ethical and Policy Issues that Impact Nursing Home Care Coordination
  23. Personal Beliefs, Values, And Experiences With Volunteering As A Teacher
  24. The Uniqueness Of Individual Customer Experience
  25. My Personal Experience With Arbitration And The Concept Of Arbitration

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Informative Expository Essay Topics

The expository essay you develop should broaden your readers’ knowledge. Hence, to compose an expository essay, select a relevant topic with educational value. These are a few informative topics you may take into consideration for writing an outstanding expository essay.

  1. Describe the importance of critical thinking in the learning process.
  2. How does climate change affect ecosystems and biodiversity worldwide?
  3. What are the most effective strategies to manage stress in daily life?
  4. Explore the impact of sleep on cognitive function and overall health.
  5. Describe the role of self-reflection in personal growth
  6. What impact does travel have on an individual’s perspective and worldview?
  7. Describe the role of teamwork and collaboration in achieving professional goals.
  8. What role does recycling play in reducing waste and preserving natural resources?
  9. Describe the role of social media in shaping public opinion and its impact on society.
  10. How can technology be used to address global challenges, such as poverty, hunger, and disease?
  11. Explain the impact of climate change on global food systems.
  12. What is the future potential of cryptocurrency?
  13. Discuss the role of AI in modern society.
  14. Analyze the effects of social isolation on mental health.
  15. How is robotics revolutionizing healthcare?
  16. Examine the science behind renewable energy sources.
  17. Analyze the impact of nutrition on athletic performance.
  18. What do scientific studies reveal about dreams and sleep patterns?
  19. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of adopting a vegetarian lifestyle.
  20. What causes natural disasters, and how can they be mitigated?

The Bottom Line

In general, expository essays will allow you to investigate various themes, produce new ideas, and strengthen your critical thinking and writing abilities. To compose an expository essay, you can choose any topic from the extensive list of issues and ideas we have provided above. Particularly, by working on the ideas we have suggested, you can demonstrate your experience and subject knowledge to the rest of the world. But make sure your topic for expository essay writing is unique, meaningful, and specific. Also, the expository essay you create should be well-structured, devoid of plagiarism, and clear, and it should meet the objectives and engage the intended audience. If it is challenging for you to pick a perfect topic and compose an expository essay, get assistance from the finest essay writers on our team and complete your task as per your needs.

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