210 Amazing Narrative Essay Topics to Focus On

Home » 210 Amazing Narrative Essay Topics to Focus On

If you are a school or college student who is searching for narrative essay topics, then this blog post is for you. We know how difficult it is to find a good essay topic and craft an impressive essay. So, to help you out, here, we have suggested some essential tips for writing an impressive narrative essay and have also shared a list of the best narrative essay topic ideas on various themes. Continue reading this blog post and get exciting ideas for narrative essay writing.

Narrative Essay Topics

What is a Narrative Essay?

Narrative Essay is one of the common types of academic essay that you must encounter at least once in your scholarly life during the language or composition classes. In general, a narrative essay is a type of essay that tells a story about the writer’s personal experience while making a point. Here, the stories on the personal experience can be of any kind such as adventure, horror, sentimental, etc.

The ultimate goal of a narrative essay is to share a story in a way that creates a picture in a reader’s mind. But along with the entertainment factor, the story should also rely on characters, plot, dialogue, settings, conflicts, turning points, and resolutions.

As the narrative essay is a creative piece of writing, you must possess extraordinary creative writing and storytelling skills. Also, when it comes to narrative essay writing, you need not be persuasive and may omit strict structure regulations. You can prepare the narrative essay in free form with a beginning, middle, and end for each narrative.

Remember, for writing an impressive narrative essay, a unique and exciting narrative essay topic or prompt is what you need the most.

Narrative Essay Topic Selection

The first step in the narrative essay writing process is selecting a good topic. Usually, your instructors will either propose a topic for narrative essay writing or ask you to come up with your own topic. When you are asked to identify a narrative essay topic on your own, you should be more specific in choosing a good topic that excites your readers.

Here are a few other tips you should keep in mind while selecting a topic for a narrative essay.

  • Choose a topic that you are passionate about.
  • Select a topic matching your interest.
  • Pick a topic that you are closely connected with or that is relatable to you.
  • Go with the topic that gives proper meaning to you.
  • Use a topic that is suitable for your writing style.

For writing a top-scoring narrative essay, you can recall any personal episodes from your school days, college days, vacations, happy moments, sad moments, parties, and any other interesting life events.

In particular, there is no restriction for you in choosing a narrative essay topic. You can write on any topic, but you need to be more careful in presenting the story in an engaging and interesting manner. Most importantly, make sure to choose a topic that revolves around your real-life experience because it will help you to create a brilliant essay.

Narrative Essay Writing Tips

Essay writing is one of the most stressful and tough tasks. When you are asked to write a narrative essay, first identify a unique essay topic and then follow the below-mentioned tips to craft a fantastic essay that will get you an A+ grade.

  • Pay more attention to the elements in the story and simply discuss the issue from different perspectives. Never try to convince your readers with your arguments.
  • Organize the essay in a natural way to enhance the narration. A rich narrative essay should have an introduction to the story, an issue, a conflict, and a resolution.
  • Before you start writing the first draft, sketch a neat essay outline of what you need to include in the final copy of your essay. Your essay outline will act as a guide for you to prepare your essay content without skipping the major points.
  • With the help of the essay outline, draft your essay paper in a coherent manner, and also, make sure to write the essay in the first-person point of view by including all the major points in the form of a story.
  • In order to make your essay interesting, try to add some complexities to your personal experiences by sharing the lessons you have learned or any other moral or personal significance it holds.
  • Cover all the essential details. Do not lie or embellish facts.
  • Avoid mentioning details that are irrelevant to the essay topic.
  • The essay content should be specific, creative, and interesting.
  • Strictly stick to the essay writing guidelines shared by your instructor.
  • Finally, be sure to revise and proofread the entire narrative essay content because the completed draft that is ready for submission should be plagiarism-free and flawless.

List of the Best Narrative Essay Topics

Are you confused about what topic to choose for writing a narrative essay? Cool! It is common for people to go blank when asked to write an essay on personal experiences. Remember, if you choose any random essay topic and draft an essay in an improper way, then your results may not be successful. So, while selecting a narrative essay topic, be careful and prefer to choose a topic that is appealing and interesting to you and your readers.

Here, we have suggested a list of interesting narrative essay topic ideas. Go through it and pick a topic of your choice.

Interesting Narrative Essay Topics

Narrative Essay Topics for School Students

  1. What do you do after school?
  2. My first day at school
  3. A day when school was canceled
  4. When you placed first at a sports event
  5. The most shocking incident on campus
  6. The first time you took part in a big school event
  7. Your favorite teacher
  8. The time when you lost a sports match
  9. Did your teachers contribute to the person you are today?
  10. Travelling to school through bad weather
  11. Preparing for a debate competition
  12. Rehearsing for a drama
  13. How your best friend in primary school has influenced your life
  14. A time someone got beat up at the school
  15. Write about your greatest school achievement.
  16. Your favorite vacation with your family.
  17. A trip you will never forget.
  18. A time you made friends in an unusual circumstance.
  19. Your first day at a new school.
  20. What is a childhood song that still sticks with you today?
  21. Your first day of Kindergarten.
  22. Talk about a time when you’re siblings looked up to you.
  23. Describe the best birthday party you’ve ever had.
  24. Talk about the best day you ever spent with a childhood friend.

Narrative Essay Topics for College Students

  1. First Day at College
  2. Most memorable incident in college
  3. Traveling to a new place for college
  4. Your favorite professor
  5. Meeting your Hostel Roommate
  6. The first time at your college campus
  7. A fun incident on campus
  8. Meeting an old friend after many years
  9. A moment that completely changed my life
  10. The moment I met my special one
  11. When the cherry blossom
  12. What if I had a time machine?
  13. A day at the amusement park
  14. Talk about the first day you moved into a dorm
  15. The most frightening experience I have ever had
  16. Your favorite vacation with your family.
  17. A trip you will never forget.
  18. A time you made friends in an unusual circumstance.
  19. Your first day at a new school.
  20. An interesting situation.
  21. A strange encounter.
  22. A dangerous experience.
  23. A life-changing experience.
  24. The time that you heard the best news.

Personal Narrative Essays Topics

  1. The impact of personal superstitions in your life.
  2. The toughest decision you have ever had to make
  3. When you risked your life for someone else
  4. Moving around as a child
  5. Your first job interview
  6. Getting lost in the city
  7. An accident you witnessed
  8. What makes you a special person?
  9. Losing a precious object
  10. Your first experience with loss
  11. Your first promotion at a job
  12. My most memorable birthday bash
  13. What if I were born in a different country?
  14. Your first trip abroad
  15. The first time you cooked a meal by yourself
  16. A story of losing a friend
  17. An experience attending a concert or a sporting event
  18. A time when you discovered a secret
  19. A moment when you felt alone and scared
  20. The best moment of your life
  21. What do the students feel by being caught cheating on the test
  22. The struggles of balancing schoolwork and social life

Narrative Essay Topics on Childhood Memory

  1. Your first pet
  2. The earliest birthday party you remember
  3. The first time you got sick
  4. Your earliest childhood memory
  5. A story about your childhood role model
  6. A time you got hurt on the playground
  7. Your most valuable childhood possession
  8. Your favorite game during childhood
  9. Talk about a childhood experience that helped you grow up
  10. A dream you remember from your childhood.

Narrative Essay Topics on Morality

  1. A rebellious act from your life
  2. How do you treat strangers?
  3. A moral choice that you regret
  4. Have you ever eavesdropped?
  5. Write about a recent personal morality challenge.

Topics for Narrative Essays on Personal Interest

  1. A song that usually touches you emotionally
  2. TV stars you want to meet in real life
  3. When did you discover that you had a particular talent?
  4. Which book character do you see yourself as or relate to?
  5. Tell me about a movie that impressed you
  6. If you were a TV character, who would you be?
  7. Tell us how your hobby or obsession managed to get you a job.
  8. Would you turn your hobby into a class taught in schools?
  9. If you were a director, what movie would you want to shoot?
  10. Discuss the time you’ve abandoned your responsibilities to do something in favor of your hobby.

Topics for Narrative Essays on Traveling

  1. The time you nearly missed a flight
  2. A lesson you learned while traveling
  3. The first time I traveled by airplane
  4. Making a new friend while on holiday
  5. Your first time traveling by yourself
  6. Meeting a friend by surprise while on holiday
  7. Your favorite vacation spot
  8. The time you nearly missed a train
  9. How did traveling to the countryside change your worldview?
  10. What are your must-have items when taking any trip?

Argument Narrative Essay Topics

  1. A time when you had to decide between right and wrong
  2. Taking the blame for someone else
  3. Getting into a fight with a bully
  4. A regretful choice
  5. Playing a prank on someone

Innovative Narrative Essay Topics

Impressive Narrative Essay Prompts

  1. Exclusive family traditions.
  2. How to dance at parties?
  3. The first novel that I have read.
  4. Self-control and its prevalence in your life.
  5. My first heartbreak.
  6. The biggest accomplishment that I have made in my life.
  7. The title of my first article.
  8. A charity act that you have undertaken.
  9. Sitting by the sea in a cozy restaurant and tasting your favorite dish.
  10. If you had a billion dollars for a day.
  11. A truly frightening night experience.
  12. How did I lose my watch?
  13. A random act of kindness.
  14. The day I decided that I would never cry again.
  15. In search of fresh air.
  16. Sorry, wrong number.
  17. How did I overcome my biggest fear?
  18. How did my father teach me to drive?
  19. In search of fresh air.
  20. How did I overcome my fear of delivering a speech in public?
  21. Do you take any risks when your best friend is around you?

Outstanding Narrative Essay Ideas

  1. Getting caught cheating
  2. Would you like to start your life all over again?
  3. What if you were transported to the last movie you watched?
  4. A defining moment in your relationship with your parents
  5. A moment when you had to cover for your friend
  6. Your favorite movie about relationships
  7. Resolving a fight between two friends
  8. The scariest Halloween
  9. How you fix a broken relationship
  10. Meeting up with an ‘online’ friend
  11. A foreign religious event
  12. Unique family tradition
  13. Spending a holiday alone
  14. My first bicycle ride
  15. A sad story from my childhood

Fantastic Narrative Essay Topics

  1. When I was called to the dean’s office
  2. How my brother ruined my birthday
  3. My experience with a tornado
  4. A disastrous date
  5. The day my best friend betrayed me
  6. When I decided to do a part-time job
  7. How I learned to play the guitar
  8. The moment of success
  9. What if I became a superhero?
  10. In the friend zone, none of you would handle it.
  11. The novel that touched me the most
  12. That day when I started to feel like I’m growing up
  13. Your favorite mode of traveling
  14. Talk about your most exhausting exam
  15. Do you mix well with students from different cultures?

Excellent Narrative Essay Questions

  1. Things to do while waiting in line
  2. Something that really ‘grinds your gears’
  3. A dream that came true
  4. Your guide to relieving stress
  5. The reasons people can cry on my shoulder and get cheered up immediately
  6. Tasting your favorite dish in a cozy restaurant by the sea
  7. What if you were a movie director with an unlimited budget?
  8. Describe a lecture that has inspired you to get out there and do great things.
  9. Tell us about a successful person that inspires you to keep trying.
  10. Talk about the way your father has influenced you.
  11. A day that you wish to relive
  12. The first time you were in the emergency room
  13. A person that changed your life forever
  14. A time you had a disagreement with a friend
  15. A tradition that surprised you
  1. An enthusiasm or activity that aided in an employment search.
  2. How did you turn your pastime into a subject taught in a classroom?
  3. You were motivated to achieve great things by this movie.
  4. I should stop partying since it’s detrimental. Describe your experience.
  5. Enjoying your favorite cuisine while relaxing at a quaint bistro by the water.
  6. Performance by a favorite rock band in a top venue: Tell us more about your experience.
  7. How should I approach pornographic content? Describe the safety precautions.
  8. Relevance of sexual and gender education in the classroom.
  9. Discuss any instance of gender prejudice that went wrong at your school.
  10. When your best buddy is nearby, do you take any chances?
  11. What you do in your entire day: Develop a complete schedule of your full-day routine
  12. Narrate the experience of meeting a person who lost his memory and you had no way to remind him anything
  13. The best decision the government of the United States has taken in the past five years on upholding social justice and human rights
  14. A professor at the university who has changed his way of teaching
  15. The worst piece of literature I have ever read and felt disappointed

Latest Narrative Essay Ideas

  1. The collection of books my favorite teacher recommended to me on my bookshelf
  2. Which is the most satisfying piece of literature you have ever read
  3. Share your experience with flipping a burger at McDonald’s on a festive day
  4. How I can change the opinion and viewpoint of most of the people in my society who have several stereotypes for LGBTQ+ people?
  5. Narrate William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing in your own words
  6. Narrate one of the greatest works of Edgar Allan Poe that you have read recently
  7. What should be the best way to deal with the various problems adolescents face with mutual communication and understanding face them together?
  8. Narrate a religious practice that surprised you
  9. Narrate a movie that horrified you.

Awesome Narrative Essay Topics

  1. Best marketing email I have ever read
  2. How does writing make me feel?
  3. My favorite novel based on a real-life incident
  4. The worst mistake I made in my life.
  5. A bad experience with the rude teacher
  6. A note to my future self
  7. The perfect wedding I ever attended
  8. A note to my old self
  9. Realization of the double-faced people
  10. Why do I sometimes judge?


Hopefully, the list of ideas suggested here will help you in crafting a winning narrative essay. our platform, we have numerous academic writers to offer reliable essay writing services in accordance with your requirements. In addition to the narrative essay, we also provide assistance with writing other types of academic essays and research papers on the best topics.


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