List of Amazing Wedding Speech Topics and Ideas

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A wedding speech is one of the best ceremonial speech types you might be asked to give while attending the marriage of your close ones. Since wedding speech also falls under the category of public speaking, you must possess good communication skills to make your speech content stand unique in the crowd. Especially, to improve your oratorical skills, for communication assignments, your instructors may ask you to give a wedding speech on any topic. In case, you are unsure of what topic to choose or if you are hunting for the best wedding speech topics, then keep on reading this blog post. Here, you will get to know about the definition of wedding speech, its standard template, and preparation steps, along with a list of interesting wedding speech ideas.

Explore and pick any idea that matches your requirements.

What is a Wedding Speech?

Basically, a wedding speech is a kind of public speech that is often given at wedding ceremonies to wish the newly married-couple good health, happiness, and prosperity. In general, a wedding speech behaves like a thank-you speech.

Mainly, the wedding speech is given to express gratitude to the parents who arranged the wedding, the guests who attended the wedding, and all others who played a vital role in the ceremony. It is a kind of informal public speech and hence it can be sentimental, nostalgic, and humorous.

The ultimate aim of the wedding speech is to entertain the guests. Moreover, this speech serves as a connecting platform between the marriage ceremony and the onset of the reception.

Mostly, a Toastmaster or Master of Ceremonies (MC) will host the wedding speech event and introduce the speakers to the guests. After the introduction, the speakers will speak on interesting wedding speech topics and will also share their blessings and wishes with the newly married couple. Commonly, the father of the bride, groom, best man, and maid of honor will give the wedding speech.

See Also – List of Special Occasion Speech Topics and Writing Guidelines

Standard Template of a Wedding Speech

Are you unsure of how to prepare a wedding speech? Cool! Whenever you are asked to give a wedding speech, firstly, write engaging speech content and then rehearse it several times. Generally, it is not so tough to compose a wedding speech. In case, you have no idea how to write appealing wedding speech content, just make sure to stick to the wedding speech template presented below.

  1. Give a brief introduction about yourself to the audience.
  2. Describe your relationship with the groom or bride.
  3. Provide a personal reflection or a funny one-liner.
  4. Thank the organizers or hosts.
  5. Wrap the introduction of your speech with a well-meant line about the wedding ceremony.
  6. Share a funny anecdote about the couple.
  7. Describe the couple in pleasant adjectives.
  8. Complement the characters of the couple.
  9. Speak about any wedding speech topics.
  10. Explain how valuable the wedding couple is to you.
  11. Mention what they said to you about each other.
  12. List the compelling values of the couple.
  13. Give your valuable advice based on perceptions of love or your experience.
  14. Wish the couple a long, happy, healthy, and prosperous future.
  15. Develop a wedding toast and give your salutations.

List of Wedding Speech Topics and Ideas

As said earlier, a wedding speech is a form of informal speech. Therefore, while you deliver a wedding speech, you can naturally narrate your ideas, express your emotions, and share your personal experiences. But if you wish to make your wedding speech look formal, then you can divide your speech into separate paragraphs as listed below.

  • Welcome and Congratulations
  • Compliments and Personal Notes
  • Key Events
  • Anecdotes and Stories
  • Wishes and Toasts
  • Understanding and Knowledge

Also, find here, some of the fascinating wedding speech topics and ideas to deal with.

Welcome and Congratulations

  1. Welcome the couple.
  2. Congratulate the couple, family, and friends.
  3. Welcome the guests.
  4. Introduce all the public speakers [the father of the bride, best man, and maid of honor].
  5. Welcome the bridal couple.
  6. Welcome the guests: the family members, the best man, the maids of honor and/or the bridesmaids, the friends and the colleagues of both partners.
  7. Congratulate the couple, family, and friends.

Compliments and Personal Notes

  1. Compliment the bride.
  2. Compliment the one who dressed the bride.
  3. Say thanks to the person who plays the role of the best man for his efforts.
  4. Deliver a brief description of your relationship with the bride and groom.
  5. Share the reasons why you are invited to speak at the ceremony.
  6. Present the reasons why you wish to speak at the celebration.
  7. Describe how you met them.
  8. Wholeheartedly, inform them of what they mean to you personally.
  9. Mention the special people in the bridal couple’s life.
  10. If you are an after-dinner speaker, refer to the joy of the meal.
  11. Your confidence inspires me to be more confident in myself.
  12. I appreciate your honesty.
  13. You are a thoughtful planner and are good at being proactive.
  14. Your routines are inspiring to me.

Key Events

  1. Share the milestones in the lives of the bride and the groom.
  2. Explain the key events that you played a major part in.
  3. Narrate what happened on the day they were born.
  4. On a happy note, describe what in history happened on this day of love.
  5. You take new learnings and lessons with ease and grace; I respect your flexibility and open mind.
  6. Thank you for being a patient person. I feel supported by you.
  7. You have a calming presence and make others feel safe around you.

Anecdotes and Stories

  1. Present a funny anecdote about the run-up to this beautiful occasion.
  2. Share some funny things about the groom or bride.
  3. Narrate a happy story of the bridal couple.
  4. Describe how they met for the first time.
  5. Tell how they have been introduced to the parents.
  6. Mention their common activities.
  7. Describe their different characters in a funny tone.
  8. Present the funny incident of the bride and groom
  9. Present a memorable anecdote about the way the bride initially avoided the groom
  10. Narrate a story of a day when the bride and groom almost decided to end their relationship

Wishes and Toasts

  1. Explain how happy everyone is.
  2. Wish the new couple all the good things in life.
  3. Thank all the guests for attending.
  4. Add a joke or quotation as a concluding statement.
  5. Wind up your ceremonial speech with a toast.
  6. Provide a speech for the groom
  7. Share a speech congratulating the groom and bride
  8. Share a speech wishing the couple a happy and healthy life.
  9. Wish the newlyweds with a toast

Memorable Wedding Speech Ideas

  1. A wedding toast from the mother of the bride.
  2. A toast at a marriage anniversary party for your grandparents.
  3. Give a wedding toast as the groom’s sister.
  4. Present a speech to praise the groom.
  5. A wedding toast from the matron of honor.
  6. Give a toast at a friend’s bachelor party.
  7. A toast from a father at a wedding rehearsal dinner.
  8. Offer a speech of gratitude to the parents of the bride
  9. Deliver a speech to praise and show appreciation to the bride.
  10. Recollect your bond with the bride or groom through an enjoyable wedding speech.

Wedding Speech Order

In case, you play the role of MC or toastmaster in a wedding event, better invite the speakers in the following order.

  • Father of the Bride
  • Groom
  • The Best Man
  • Maid of Honor
  • Father of the Groom
  • Other people

Note that, it is not necessary to adhere to the above-mentioned wedding speech order; you can decide the time slot of the speaker depending on the wedding plans.

Wedding Speech Preparation Tips

Listed below are some important dos and don’ts you should follow while you write and deliver a wedding speech.


  1. The wedding speech content should be concise, engaging, and memorable.
  2. If possible, include a few humor elements in your speech, but not too much.
  3. In your speech, try to maintain a balance between humor and heartfelt emotions.
  4. Create a strong speech opener and closer.
  5. Express your gratitude to all the relevant people who deserve a thank you.
  6. Be yourself. Maintain the boundaries and never hurt anyone’s feelings.
  7. Rehearse your talk several times to maximize your confidence level. Give significance to your facial expressions, body language, and hand positions.
  8. At the time of delivering a speech, maintain eye contact with the couples and other guests. Hide your nervousness and speak with a smile.
  9. There needs to be humor when presenting the speech to the bride and groom.
  10. Start with an easy-to-understand situation-based statement or question
  11. Concentrate on the audience and how you want them to feel and address the audience
  12. Take detailed notes of the essential areas to speak that are related to the groom and bride or their family
  13. Let nerves work to your advantage, be yourself, lay off the booze, keep it short, and use your notes
  14. Introduce yourself to the audience in short and simple sentences and start by letting everyone in the bridal party and crowd know who you are


  1. Avoid exceeding the speech time allotted for you. The maximum time limit for a wedding speech is 4 or 5 minutes.
  2. Never annoy people with a long wedding speech.
  3. Add a personal touch to your speech.
  4. Never narrate embarrassing stories from the bachelorette party.
  5. Don’t crack any racist jokes or comments about any of the families’ cultures or traditions.
  6. Avoid using offensive lines.
  7. Avoid delivering your speech in a hurry. Provide a pause at necessary places.


We hope you are now clear about how to prepare a wedding speech. Just by utilizing the list of wedding speech topics and ideas suggested above, you can compose a lovable wedding speech. Actually, giving a wedding speech is a form of honor. Therefore, invest a lot of time and effort to craft a wedding speech that is memorable for both the newly married couple and the guests. Remember, in your speech, you can very well add some emotions and make it either too personal or funny.

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