International Business Global Characteristics of Country
Select a country from the Middle East, Asia, and Europe and describe the 5 characteristics from each country.
Power distance level similar to the UK, most different from Saudi Arabia:
In terms of power distance, the UK is highly similar to the USA. In both countries, people from different levels of society experience a lower difference in power (Hofstede Insights, n.d). On the contrary, Saudi Arabia and China are different from the USA due to the high power difference in society.
Individualism similar to the UK, most different from China:
In terms of individualism also the UK and the USA are highly similar. The score of the UK is 89 whereas the USA scores 91 in terms of individualism. It indicates that both the UK and USA society emphasizes promoting individual liberty and giving importance to individual values, beliefs, and opinions (Vasile, 2016). In this case, also, China and Saudi Arabia are different because of the collective nature.
Masculinity level similar to all three countries:
In terms of masculinity, the USA and Saudi Arabia show a great level of similarity. The masculinity score of the USA is 62 where is the same in Saudi Arabia is 60. It indicates that both countries prefer masculine values. However, the UK and China also show a preference for masculine traits as both the countries score 66. From this perspective, all three countries have similarities with the USA.
Uncertainty avoidance level similar to the UK, most different from China:
The uncertainty avoidance score of the USA is 46 which indicates that the society accepts innovative and new ideas (Hofstede Insights, n.d). The score also indicates the society in the USA does not impose many rules on the individuals and express their emotions to a lower degree than the high scoring countries such as Saudi Arabia. The UK has the highest similarity with the USA society as both countries accept future uncertainty. However, China is considerably different from the USA because of its higher acceptance towards the uncertainty where is Saudi Arabia also differs from the USA because of its lower acceptance towards future uncertainty.
Long-term orientation similar to the UK, most different from China:
Although society is very practical; the citizens have strong values regarding good and bad. The American citizens also focus on maintaining the traditional norms such as going to church. In terms of long-term orientation, Saudi Arabia has the highest similarity with the USA. China has a significantly higher score in long term orientation which indicates that the Chinese society accepts information easily as opposed to the USA. So, China is highly different from the USA because of its high level of openness to new information. The UK also maintains a balanced approach to traditional values and new knowledge. Therefore UK society shows a greater long time orientation than the USA.
The discussion indicates that the UK is similar to the USA as both countries show the same attitude towards power distance, individualism, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance. China is the most unlike because of its difference in terms of power distance, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation.
Part 3
In the case of uncertainty avoidance, the Asian country China, the UK, and the US share similar values whereas Saudi Arabia shows a greater preference towards conventional methods. In the case of long-term orientation, the UK adopts a balanced approach. Both Saudi Arabia and the USA score low in long-term orientation because of the high value on traditions and suspicious attitude towards new information. However, China scores high and it indicates the openness of the country towards new knowledge.
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