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Benefits to the Consumer and the Healthcare Providers

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what are the Benefits to the consumer and the healthcare providers?


Based upon the federal trade commission, these consumers and those healthcare systems would keep benefitting from those authorized generics within this market. This would occur in this exclusivity period of 180 days due to competition increased. This keeps reducing prices generically resulting in cost savings significantly. The report notes from FTC mentions upon the competition from this authorized generic in this exclusivity period have associations with its retail pricing. This becomes 4-8% wholesale and lower prices generically with no competition in authorized generics. Additionally, FTC further revealed on this exclusivity period where the authorized generic presence has tendencies in having associations with lowered pricing. This occurs among markets where this period of exclusivity has expiration. Few of the researchers keep agreeing upon those authorized generics not filling any voids during shortages in drugs. Once that drug becomes unavailable, this takes place from each manufacturer. This happens regardless of them being branded, authorised, generic or regular. Some of the researchers keep predicting upon the next huge step regarding authorized generics. This would happen once companies creating biologics (like AbbVie’s Humira) try in extending the profitability. This occurs through making the generic authorization once those patents reach the expiration date.


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