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Computer Things You Learned to Do in Excel

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List five things you learned to do in excel?


Working with Microsoft Excel is a tough but interesting task. I am learning how to input data with a spreadsheet and in order to learn some basic skills, I watched a video on YouTube called “Microsoft Excel Tutorial- Beginners Level 2” and “20 Essential Excel Functions with Downloadable Reference Guide”. I learned several skills after watching the video and here I am listing the five important skills out of that.

• The first thing that I learned in Microsoft Excel is the order filling sequence.
• The second thing that I learned in Microsoft Excel is to give order rank to numbers of values in order to make in ascending or descending order.
• The third thing that I learned is to input the same list over and over again without investing more time. It is very important to save time and energy while putting the same list over and over.
• The fourth thing that I learned is the sum function with the help of which I can sum the value of a given set of numbers easily.
• The fifth thing that I learned is the average function and now I can easily calculate the average of a given set of numbers using Microsoft Excel.

It was my first experience with this program and initially, I was afraid because I had heard that computer especially working with Microsoft Excel is a very tough task but as soon as I became familiar with the concept, it is now less fearful for me. It seems easy if I focus on learning basic skills effectively.

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