Economics Samples

Important Role of Economies of Scale on the Production of EVs
Question:- Explain the important role of economies of scale on the production of EVs. Answer:- The term Economies of scale means increasing the output in […]
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Economics Tesla Ability to Accelerate EV Profitability and Gain More Market Share
Question:- Do a bit of extra research and provide a commentary on Tesla’s ability to accelerate EV profitability and gain more market share (and demand) […]
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Economics Profitability of Tesla Model 3 Sedan
Question:- Illustrate and explain in some detail the profitability of Tesla’s Model 3 sedan. Answer:- In the car market, Tesla’s profit margins have increased significantly […]
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Economics Key Benefits and External Environmental Costs of Merchant Ships
Question:- Construct a table and summarise the key benefits and external environmental costs of merchant ships. Answer:- 60,000 merchant ships float in the ocean around […]
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Economics Government Policy of Compensation to Help Solve the Market Failure
Question:- Assume for simplicity that the main third party affected is the tourism industry in Mauritius. illustrate and critically evaluate the government policy of compensation […]
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Managerial Economics 8 Tools to Deals With Market Failure
Question:- The Government has various tools available to deal with the Market Failure. List at least major 8 tools and substantiate your answers? Answer:- Market […]
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Economics Assignment Smoking Hotel Room Dilemma
Question:- write a paper on smoking hotel room dilemma? Answer:- Smoking cigarette has been and still primarily an addiction and custom of men, many youngsters […]
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