Economics Assignment Smoking Hotel Room Dilemma
write a paper on smoking hotel room dilemma?
Smoking cigarette has been and still primarily an addiction and custom of men, many youngsters also believes it’s a lifestyle that make them look cool. assive smoking can be injurious for my health and I believe the hotel manager will understand this issue and assist me with this situation. My roommate also needs to be coprorated as he has rights to do what he want. According to Friedman approach, there can be a solution to the issue, such as there must be a tax for pollution emitted by a car, according to this approach the roommate who needs to smoke should pay something for smoking. Such as he can go to smoking area or take other room. According to Keynes theory of externalism, voluntary exchange is by definition mutually beneficial to both parties involved because the parties would not agree to undertake it, If either throught it detrimental to their interests.
Although, a transaction can cause impacts upon their parties without their consent or knowledge. In this particular case, the person who is a non smoker is influenced by the negative externalities in the case smoke of the cigarette will see it as lowered utility. According to this theory, I need to ask for safety from the roommate frok the smoke of the cigarette as I will be affected negatively by the smoke. At last Raworth approach implies that the many facets of human nature such as their desire of helping others, our decisions and values for participating in diverse collective things for the commun food and our concept of interdependence on others. As per this approach, I as a non smoker should comprise for the rights of my roommate by allowing him to smoke in the room or going out while he smokes.
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