Engagement in Professional Nursing Health Information System
Describe your experience of using or observing the use of health information system in your clinical placement (e.g. patient browser, patient flow system, Electronic Medical Record [EMR] or other clinical documentation or storage system).
This involves providing complete, up-to-date and accurate information regarding patients at the care point (Jawhari et al., 2016). I saw that involves reminders of medications, drug interaction prevention methods, clinical care documentation and patient medical history. When using the device I noticed that it is really helpful I providing billing and coding streamlined. Most importantly, it reduces costs through improving health, testing duplication reduced, improved safety and decreased paperwork (Dong et al., 2016).
During my nursing experiences in the placement, I saw that the EMR is not maintained properly. There was an issue with the machine to start at times also the information is not appearing properly when required urgently. It seems that the EMR is one costly investment requiring a lot of maintenance if used a lot. This is the reason many hospitals are there not utilizing EMR. Those financial problems involve the implementation and adoption cost, revenue declines, revenue loss having an association with productivity loss temporarily. They keep presenting this disincentive for physicians and hospitals in implanting and adopting the EMR (Wu et al., 2017). The implementation and adoption costs involve installing and purchasing software and hardware, conversion from paper to electronic charts and end-user training. Several studies kept documenting upon those costs within both the outpatients and inpatient setting. One study involved the conduction of the acute care hospital beds of 280. The total projected cost for the HER installation project for long becomes US$19 million approximately. Within this outpatient setting, the early researchers kept estimating the initial cost of 50,000-70,000 US dollars on average (Basjaruddin, Rakhman & Renardi, 2017). This occurred for per physician for the office has 3 physicians. The EMR technologies, however, became that commonplace since the last decade with the system initial cost keeps dramatically coming down. This industry group kept estimating telecommunications, services, software and hardware costing being US$ 14,000 per physician approximately. The EMR maintenance cost becomes costly as well where the hardware requires in replacing with software upgrading on the daily basis. Additionally, the providers require in having ongoing support and training for the EMR end-users (Enaizan et al., 2020). The EMR cost ongoing maintenance, implementation and adoption get compounding to this fact where several EMR benefits financially would not keep accruing this provider generally. This involves rather the third-party payers in having error forms improved and averted efficiencies. These keep translating into claim payments reduced. The incentive misalignment for those healthcare organizations with upfront costs highly makes one barrier for HER implementation and adoption. Also, those physicians keep citing upfront costs frequently with maintenance cost ongoing (Kini et al., 2020). This becomes this huge barrier for implementation and adoption of the EMR.
As the registered nurse, the role in utilizing the EMR, in general, involves recording and reviewing patient information electronically. It involves meaning and organizing data for databases clinically along with assessing and analysing the patient outcome. This provides patient health information securely for confidentiality. This is where the ethnic utilization of this EMR arrives for the nursing role. The patient information requires releasing others with allowing the law or the patient’s information only. The patient cannot do such due to mental incapacity and age. This occurs regarding the information share requires in creating by the patient’s legal guardian or representative (Kajimura et al., 2016). The information-sharing occurs due to interactions clinically getting the consideration as confidential requiring protection. This information from where the patient identity could not get assertion for instance. This is where the patient numbers having breast carcinoma is the hospital (governmental) is not within this category. The insurance companies, healthcare institutions and others require data access if these EMRs cannot get designed in functioning. This key in confidentiality preservation involves allowing the authorized individuals only for having information access. This starts with user authorization. The access of the user has a basis upon the privileges which are role-based and pre-established.
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