Microbiology Qualitative and Quantitative Diagnostic Methods
Describe the difference between qualitative and quantitative diagnostic methods of microbe detection.
For quantitative, it involves the utilization of growth media solidified for calculating the living bacteria numbers. Qualitative involves assessing the bacterial sample being dead or living.
Microbial culture- usually bacteria gets detected like Salmonella typhimurium
Microscopy- it utilized for distinguishing gram negative and gram positive bacteria involving stains like crystal violet, Glemsa
Biochemical tests- for diagnosing microbial disease, testing products they might utilize
The traditional ones involve simple biochemical tests, culturing and staining while new ones involve biochemical analytical, immunological and molecular method.
Red blood cells agglutination is the site provided keeps indicating identifications of blood antigens positively like Rh and A antigens for A-positive blood type.
It’s utilized for detecting viral protein presence expressed through coronavirus. If targeted antigen has concentrations sufficiently, it binds with antibodies specifically fixing on paper strip within plastic casing.
Antigens get testing attaching with the surface then the antibody matched gets application on surface binding this antigen. This test keeps detecting the anti-Rh antibody presence in blood serum of pregnant.
The probes utilized in DNA microarrays keep referring to covalent DNA to the surface inertly like gene chips or coated glass.
DNA microarrays are utilized for measuring the gene expression levels in large numbers or for genotyping genome regions multiplied (Cui, Song, et al.). Every DNA spot has picomoles for DNA sequence specifically.
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