Nursing Assignment Integrated Care Working In Southwark
Outline local resources and provision that supports integrated care working in Southwark
As mentioned by MacLean, integrated care refers to that concern for improving the patient experience and achieving greater value and efficiency from social and health care system delivery.
Practices services of GP- based upon health department, 45 GP practices in Southwark are there having the list of registered patients combined up till 315 and 841 (Mallett and Shaw 2018). In Southwark, the GPs keep providing medical care for the patient continuously within this community. In Southwark, considering this case scene, these GP practices would keep serving as that initial point of contact with Miss X medically. They would keep examining her and referring to the medical department appropriately where she keeps obtaining the treatment required.
Health services in the community- based upon the health department, the community health services at most for Southwark patients get provision through Guy’s hospitals, NHS foundation and St. Thomas Community. Recently, Southwark CCG formed one investment within community servicing for enabling others in staying in their homes respectively (Round et al. 2018). For this case, Miss X, the community health services availability would keep providing treatments to her cystic fibrosis-related diabetes and CF (cystic fibrosis). It also involves those physical injuries sustained through other kinds of surgery for treatment medically.
Mental health service in the community- This in Southwark is provided by South London foundation and Maudsley Trust. They keep providing treatment and assessment to patients having mental and triage for referrals onward for specialist services or inpatient care. This Southwark CCG invests upon resources for increasing PBC capacity and IAPT services for meeting access targets to psychological therapies nationally. This would meet the emotional, behavioural and psychological needs for Miss X.
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