Nursing Organizational Structure and Organizational Culture
how organizational structure and organizational culture can affect the safety of person- centred care delivery.
My first clinical placement involved in providing nursing management and care to Mr X. He had certain procedures operationally causing him pain and discomfort. When helping with his breakfast he kept coughing so I contacted the RN informing this situation. She then arrived seeing Mr X, encouraging him in vomiting the food which he did, feeling comfortable. The RN mentioned in me staying with him for observing his condition changes. Though even after trying in making him feel comfortable I could watch him coughing at times. A few minutes later I see his breathing patterns being irregular. I contacted the RN immediately to which she arrived where Mr X couldn’t respond much. We let him lie down on the bed on the left side where the RN began in providing few abdominal thrusts and backslaps. Thus caused him in coughing again, regaining consciousness. Then the doctor arrived, taking Mr X under care management.
The RN there had wider experiences when handling this situation type acting on his situation immediately. When she arrived I took his vital signs immediately to provide the RN. The RN got all information through me advising me in handling this situation very calmly in professional means. I asked a few questions to him for getting any feedback positively with making sure of him being in his position comfortably. Both of us put Mr X back to his bed positioning on the left side for food removal from the mouth. She then made me check if anything else is left into his mouth. When analysing this scenario I experienced, the organization cluster here falls into the constructive kind which can be considered as a cluster. In this cluster, the members are provided with encouragement for interacting with others. This culture made me ask further questions to the patient for feedback. Also, the RN here encouraged me in handling the situation professionally, remaining calm. It involves approaching those tasks in means helping them in meeting their satisfaction needs of the higher-order. This constructive cluster consists of the achievement culture styling. This is where the members are expected upon setting realistic yet challenging goals. Then there is the self-actualization styling where these members keep having expectancies in work enjoyment. It involves developing themselves and taking interesting and new activities. Then there is the humanistic style where each member is expected upon becoming constructive ad supportive. Then lastly there is the style of affiliative culture. This is where the organization members are expected in becoming sensitive, cooperative and friendly towards group work satisfaction. Among all the culture clusters in this organization, the constructive one becomes effective highly, promoting organizational, group and individual performance. The diagnostic assessing of the organizational culture in nursing identifies the nurses’ weaknesses and strengths.
As a nurse, I feel that we keep playing that vital role in creating a safety culture with the area of clinical work. This occurs through maintaining communications with the members of the healthcare team. It involves assessing the self and peers’ work behaviours and habits professionally for risks of the safety. It involves utilizing the interventions of the EBP (evidence-based practise) in the patient protocol with participation in workgroups of shared governance. The culture of safety becomes essential in optimizing workplace satisfaction and patient outcomes (Kalteh et al., 2019). With colleagues the open communication help in addressing practice problems which keep impacting patient safety potentially. If I keep witnessing communication unprofessionally I would keep addressing that issue during the moment. Several peers of ours might become unaware of the ways their non-verbal and verbal communication gets processed and received through the other members in this healthcare team (Lee et al., 2019). If I do not feel comfortable in addressing the behaviours myself professionally I must escalate my concerns to my supervisor. Another way in attaining the safety culture involves taking part in workgroups of shared governance. Through active contribution to my unit’s committee of shared governance, I would keep identifying risks of the safety. I would also keep providing solutions to realistically (Cho, Heo & Moon, 2016).
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