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Psychology Human Development and Lifespan Development Theory

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What are the various themes involved in human development and lifespan development theory? find a scholarly, peer-reviewed article and use it to investigate one of those themes and the lifespan development theories associated with that theme.


With the hypothesis in-line, the studies previously revealed upon linking among certain personality traits and religiousness. These involve agreeableness and openness with facets associated. This gets concerned for existential certainty and community integration.

This nature vs. nurture and the religious lifespan development together keep arising in life earlier. This occurs because of associations among the family environments and the genetic makeup.  Considering the interplay of nature-nurture, the religiousness’ shared and genetic components environmentally rely upon the studied age.

The approaches seem to go well with their hypothesis utilizing study designs appropriately with modelling of a structural complex equation. This occurs for disentangling those genetic factors’ relative contributions till differences individually among attributes of a human.

This article’s theme here goes well with the moral development theory. This theory keeps holding upon the reasoning morally becoming the ethical behaviour condition necessarily becoming adequate in moral dilemma responses than the predecessor.

The article heading clearly shows the topics discussed accordingly with the information having enough accuracy numerically through tables. The conclusion is clear about the genes not playing greater roles in having affiliating to religion specifically. The author credibility is mentioned properly with citation.

It can be concluded that the article as a whole has sufficient data numerically and literature-wise for showing the relation between the nature-nurture and lifespan development religiously. This article would be helpful for future researches on this topic.

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