Psychology Vaping During Pregnancy Have on a Developing Fetus
What effect does vaping during pregnancy have on a developing fetus? Does eating too much sugar during pregnancy have an impact?
At the beginning of conception, the hereditary factors along with environmental factors keep influencing the person’s development. The factors involve stress, nutrition, genetic teratogens and hereditary diseases. Few might keep seeing a few of those becoming small when comparing others (Bengtsson-Palme Kristiansson & Larsson, 2018). This still has important impacts on fetus development. Teratogens and nutrition are those two environmental factors externally where humans keep having this control over choosing in doing this knowingly. We keep deciding on eating in certain ways whether this involves becoming healthy or much of junk sugary food. These teratogens refer to those substances where this mother has absorbed or taken like alcohol smoking or drugs. They keep causing harm to this fetus.
One thing is there which many do not realize that stress affects them a lot. Stress is that response to that environmental stimulus or condition requiring adaptation from any organisms. Several things keep causing this person in becoming stressed out. This keeps ranging from lowered stressors such as becoming late for working till higher stressors. Those involve losing one’s job with not knowing regarding the ways in paying rent. Meanwhile, every kind of stress does not refer to bad stress necessarily (Van den Bergh et al., 2017). Evidence extensively keep indicating upon prenatal stress being one risking factor for varieties in detrimental mental and physical health outcome. This occurs from miscarriages till lowered birth weights for postnatal behavioural and neural dysregulation. Thus this child might become much susceptible potentially, developing learning issues with anxiety increased throughout this lifespan. As mentioned before, every stress is not bad with some being good.
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