Why Women and Paid Less Money Then Men
why women and paid less money then men for doing the same work, examine the source of this gap in greater detail and share your findings.
There are basically two reasons that can be identified for pay gap between men and women for the same job. The first is the glass ceiling effect, this is where women are not able to break through to senior positions. The second more influencing reason is direct on the job discrimination. That means, paying women less as compared to men for the same role or job but this is generally tough to prove. Salary can be referred as a functionality of a range of factors, from experience to capabilities through to knowledge. Historically, people tend to point bro the glassing ceiling as responsible for suppressed female salaries. Women are believed to have more onerous child rearing responsibilities which either take them out of the market for pro-longed period or forces them for assuming lower paying part time roles. The influence of these women temporary dropped out of the market, it is generally thought, may reduce the average for their entire gender. This concept will also stymie promotion as they are seemingly not much available as compared to men and are believed to be away when successions are being strategized.
The above phenomenon regarding the pay gap between women and men is true, as cumulative perception regarding the availability of women in comparison to men is that women have many responsibilities due to which they are not promoted to higher position and paid low salary compared to men.
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